Valve World Expo 2016


Valve World Expo 2016

We will visit the Valve World Expo 2016, but we will not take part in the exhibition, maybe after two years you will see us on exhibition. ^ _______ ^

01 Mar, 2016 中郡

If you are interested in our company, perhaps we can meet somewhere around exhibition, also you can search Taiwan valve centre on FB, find us and pass a message to us or EMAIL to sales @ tvcclvalves.
Hope we can have a beautiful coincidence with you!!

Valve World Expo 2016




中郡股份有限公司是台灣一家專業在工業五金產業的製造服務商. 成立於西元1998年並擁有超過25年的逆止閥, 止回閥, 雙瓣式逆止閥, 雙瓣式止回閥, 雙門逆止閥, 雙盤式逆止閥製造經驗, 中郡總是可以達到客戶各種品質的要求.